A Better Day


It’s a much better day today. Last night i had a chance to visit with my dear friend, Mmmm, who is also D/s, but lives on the other side of the country, and she really helped me get over what happened (see Apparently i Screwed Up). She assured me that i hadn’t done anything wrong and that some people in D/s are more or less militant and we are. And she told me that the person who called me out at the munch for making our introductions was out of line as well. Basically, we’ve just had some bad encounters as we have started our journey into finding like-minded friends, but that we should not let that discourage us. We’re not discouraged, but i’m more cautious now, for sure.

We’ve been planning on going to a D/s discussion group we found on FetLife. Because of what has happened, i decided to email the submissive group coordinator to find out if this would be a good group for us to attend, some insight into rules/protocol, etc. and she sent back a very lovely message encouraging us to attend. So we will. It’s in a little over a week.

Tonight, if the weather holds out, we are hosting friends, Buck and Red, we met at Desire three years ago and see every year at that takeover. Funny, they live just miles away and we have such difficulty getting together! We’re trying to rectify that, and wouldn’t you know it, there’s a big snowstorm coming tonight and in Seattle, a dusting of snow causes complete chaos on the roads. And Maximus is trying to fly home, going through Portland, Oregon, which is having a major ice storm. Gah! i’m still planning on everyone being here–we’ll see!

And we got revisions from the architect last night. Still working on some changes with him, but the plans look a lot better! We will have some posts in the Dungeon Room, it appears, and he tried to hide them with closets, but i want the room to be as large as possible and posts are actually good for that room–there are things we can do with them–so i’ve asked him to remove the closets. i’ll post plans when we get updates from him. It’d be great if we can get this all finalized before the end of the year and move onto the next phase of the project.

Categories: BDSM, BDSM dungeon, Life on the Swingset, swinging lifestyle | Leave a comment

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