Monthly Archives: November 2014


Okay…i know i’ve been a horrible sub blogger. i should be blogging every day, or as much as possible, per my contract, and i’ve been weeks between posts. i do have a pass from Maximus, as i am working on my master’s degree, which takes a lot of my creative writing time, and due to our remodel, my office is a storage room. But there are so many things that have been happening that i need to write about!!…just so little time!

We’re going to Desire Cancun tomorrow!! Woo Hoo! We made this reservation months and month ago with Life on the Swingset! i’m finally excited, with everything else going on! Maximus has been back east for business all week and is trying desperately to get back here so we can leave in the morning. i’ve got everything packed and ready to go. i’m oddly excited about the theme nights, mostly for Maximus as i have coordinated some amazing outfits for Him (mostly awesome briefs), especially the Chippendale costume for the sparkly black and white theme night, with real cuff-linked cuffs and bow-tied collar i made for Him with these amazing sexy underwear! He’s going to be the hit and i just can’t wait!!

i’ve had a whole bottle of champagne, so bear with me! It’s our tradition, champagne (and pizza) the night before a trip…but He’s not here, so i’ve had the champagne, sans pizza, solo!

The remodel’s underway–woohoo! my piano room is framed up and while we’re gone, being naked and hedonistic, our walk-in closet and my office will get all framed up! So excited!

Oh! my master’s degree, you ask? It’s in leadership!! How awesome is that for a sub!?!?

Ok, so i’m tipsy and this is not making any sense! I’m loving life! i forgot to mention we just got back from London for my retirement and birthday celebration from Maximus! But more importantly, Maximus is insanely wonderful and life is wonderful! Everything feels right and i love my life. And i love Maximus!

So, i promise to be better at posting. i WILL blog about Desire as i’m sure so many of you are curious, as we were, about it.

Stay tuned and KISSES!



Categories: BDSM relationship, Desire | Leave a comment

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